Traditional Tibetan Rugs - artelino

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Home Articles Tibetan Rugs Tibetan Rugs Border Designs - artelino

Tibetan Rugs Border Designs - artelino

Floral Border DesignBorder designs of traditional Tibetan rugs come in many shapes - from simple to sophisticated. The variations of these designs are nearly endless.

Nevertheless one can recognize certain categories which this article tries to explain and demonstrate with a selection of border designs from fine, traditional Tibetan rugs.

Tibetan Rugs - Border Designs


Swastika DesignSwastika Design

Swastika borders are found on traditional Tibetan rugs.

Meander Borders

Meander Border

Meander Design

Thunder Meander Design

The meander pattern is found in nature. Therefore it is no wonder that this pattern can be found in different cultures all over the world. It was for instance common for the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Also the meander borders come in a variety of different shapes. Here are a few examples.


Vertical StripesShaped Stripes DesignDiagonal Stripes Design

Stripes come in vertical or in diagonal forms. Sometimes they are combined with small additional ornaments.

Section Borders

Elaborate Border DesignRich Border DesignBorder Design with Buddhist Symbol

The term "section border" was introduced by Hallvard Käre Kuloy in his classic book about Tibet rugs. In lack of a better term, I want to follow him. It stands for the great variety of wide borders that contain rich patterns and symbols - often of Buddhist origin. Among the border designs of traditional Tibetan rugs, these are in my view the most beautiful borders of all. They are sophisticated and require a higher skill level and effort by the weavers compared to for instance simple meander designs.

If you are interested in traditional Tibet rugs, you find a large selection in our gallery of traditional Tibet rugs.

Literature Reference

Tibet Rugs, by Hallvard Kare Kuloy. White Orchid Press, Bangkok. First printing in 1982. ISBN 974-82999-94-5.

Dieter Wanczura, 2008

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 November 2010 01:00  

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