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From the album Jelyong by Tibetan pop singer and composer Phurbu T. Namgyal.
Watch this video and listen to a beautiful song.
Phurbu T. Namgyal
Phurbu T. Namgyal is one of the best known and most popular Tibetan singer and - even more important - song writer of modern Tibetan pop music. His fans call him simply Phurbu or Nhampu. Many of today's popular singers in homeland Tibet and among Tibetans in exile interpret songs composed by Phurbu T. Namgyal.
Phurbu Namgyal's style is a mix of modern and traditional Tibetan folk songs. For my ears the music sounds even a bit Indian. Most of his his lyrics are about love stories. The artist was born in exile and raised in India. Since 1996 he has lived in the United States of America, in Columbia Heights in the state of Minnesota.
The video on display is from the album Jelyong released in 2008. The artist has a web site on www.potalasound.com where you can listen to more of his tunes.
Dieter Wanczura, in May 2010.