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Tibet Shops France - artelino
Web Links

Tibet Shops in France.

These links are provided for your convenience in an area where information is not easy to find. A listing on artelino does not signify that we recommend this shop or endorse this web site. In fact, in most cases we do not know the web site owners or operators and have never been in touch with them.

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# Web Link Hits
1 Tibet Village Gallery Tibet Village Gallery
Located in Paris, France, this real shop gallery offers a variety of Tibetan items. The site is mostly in French language.
2 La Route du Tibet La Route du Tibet
A real shop in Paris, in the famous 'Quartier Latin'. They offer fashion from natural materials, jewelry, statues and more. The web site is in French.
3 La Boutique Tibetaine La Boutique Tibetaine
Located in Paris, they offer incense, flags, books, ritual objects and clothes. The web site is in French.
4 Boutique du Tibet Boutique du Tibet
Boutique du Tibet is located in Rennes in France, Brittany. 'The web site is mostly French. It was opened in 2009 by Rinchen Wangpo, a Tibetan born in exile in India.
5 Esprit Tibetain Esprit Tibetain
The company was founded in 2004 by Lobsang Samten, a former political prisoner and his wife Valérie. They are registered in Saint Gervais Mont Blanc, in France. The site is in French.

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