Traditional Tibetan Rugs - artelino

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Tibet Campaign - artelino
Web Links

Web sites that work for freedom and respect of human rights for the Tibetan people.

These links are provided for your convenience in an area where information is not easy to find. A listing on artelino does not signify that we recommend endorse a web site.

Display # 
# Web Link Hits
1 Free Tibet Free Tibet
Mission Statement: "Free Tibet stands for the right of Tibetans to determine their own future. We campaign for an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and for the fundamental human rights of Tibetans to be respected."
2 International Campaign for Tibet International Campaign for Tibet
Mission Statement: "The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet."
3 Students for a Free Tibet Students for a Free Tibet
Mission Statement: "Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence."
4 Tibet Online Tibet Online
From the Homepage: "Tibet Online is operated by the international Tibet Support Group community, providing information on the plight of Tibet and serving as a virtual community space for the movement."

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